Tehnička škola Nikole Tesle Vukovar, Croatia
March, 2020
*cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic
- In international groups students share the information on food and eating habits in their area they have prepared beforehand.
- Students and teachers find out about how how food and its connection to ethnic groups has shaped Croatian culture and heritage through learning activities like workshops, seminars, visits to local museums and exhibitions, a visit to a nearby town to research Roman/Ottoman/Austrian/Hungarian influence, the organization of a culture day to present the cultural heritage of the area, etc. (either in school or in the area.)
- At the end of the week, each internationally mixed group creates and publishes a European recipe book incorporating what they have found out about food, history and its influence on identity.
At the end of the meeting, students will have:
- become aware of similarities and differences between European countries in the area of food and eating habits
- practiced and developed their English language proficiency including vocabulary concerning the meeting's topic
- learned about Croatian customs and traditions
- improved their competencies of responsibility, solidarity and empathy.