Tampereen Lyseon Lukio, Tampere, Finland
February, 2019
- In international groups students share the information on how nature, landscape and climate have influenced people's culture and character in their area they have prepared beforehand, e.g. by looking at art through different times.
- They investigate similarities and differences and find out about how nature, landscape and climate have influenced Finnish culture and heritage through learning activities like workshops, debates, listening to motivational speakers, visiting the forest, visiting a museum focusing on the Finnish Civil War, etc. (either in school or in the area.)
- At the end of the week, each internationally mixed group expresses their impressions and what they have learned in paintings or drawings exhibited at school and/or other places in town.
At the end of the meeting, students will have:
- become aware of similarities and differences between European countries in the area of climate and landscape and their impact on history
- practiced and developed their English language proficiency including vocabulary concerning the meeting's topic
- learned about Finnish customs and traditions
- improved their skills and competencies of cooperation, critical thinking and intercultural exchange.